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19 WTF Questions An Australian Has About This Election
1. Who is Tory and why are there so many of her? Who is Tory and why are there so many of her? Wpa Pool / Getty Images This is a picture of Tories, apparently. 2. Why is everyone freaking about the idea of another hung parliament? 19 WTF Questions An Australian Has About This Election i.imgur.com 3. Why is everyone in Scotland yelling rn?
vine.co 4. Is James Bond secretly bringing down the SNP with swastikas? Is James Bond secretly bringing down the SNP with swastikas? BuzzFeed.com 5. Is Labour’s shadow chancellor really named Ed Balls?! Is Labour's shadow chancellor really named Ed Balls?! Andy Buchanan / Getty Images Balls. Ed, Balls. 6. Are voters struggling to understanding Natalie Bennett because she speaks Australian, mate?
vine.co She should probably be more Australian. 7. Why are all the children slamming their heads on desks? Why are all the children slamming their heads on desks? Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/Press Association Images 8. Does this George Galloway guy EVER take off his fedora? And does he run your internet? Does this George Galloway guy EVER take off his fedora? And does he run your internet? Gareth Fuller / PA 9. Why is Nick Clegg inspecting a hedgehog? Why is he flying through the air? Is Nick Clegg OK? http://hair-paradise.ru/markdistefano/maisie-4-pm-tbh - 19 WTF Questions An Australian Has About This Election