Great job, tks. We love the articles. Any other option for droiddraw ? , - linux android file transfer , .oh its so funny how paranoid people are, whats the actual likelihood that anyone gives a crap about you, usually the perceived danger of “hackers” and “thieves” are way over proportioned compared to the actual likelihood of anything happening to you. Then you create some annoyingly stupid password/pincode that no one could every guess or remember and you write it on a post it not and place it next to your device for you to remember, completely negating the purpose of a frigging password/pin in the first place. then you turn to your boyfriend/husband for to play free tech support and rack thier brains trying to beat a dead horse because you want to save your selfies and text messages. , - android 18 cosplay , actually you can recover the datajust get forensics device and recover it as if it contained some illegal stuff. , - android file transfer mac For those of you interested in implementing this at home, there may be a better solution than either the Arduino or the bare AVR. Most PDAs manufactured in the past 10 years had various aftermarket keyboards available; you can find them for pocket change on the used market since the PDAs are obsolete. Most of these keyboards (Palm Pilot, Compaq IPAQ) use a simple serial interface which should connect directly to the iPhone’s serial lines. Here’s one guy’s project to get you started: , - android m name , Thank you!As for other blogs, you can take a look at the Android dream revised blog, they did a , - android m release , Alex: they keyboard is a Targus PA870U Universal Wireless Keyboard , - android phones hacked